Jaynic has won a planning appeal for open storage use on the former Karro abattoir site at Little Wratting on the A143 between Haverhill and Bury St Edmunds.
The appeal was against a refusal by West Suffolk Council for change of use from B2 General Industrial use to B8 Open Storage use on 2.1hectares (5.4 acres approx.)
The main issues in the appeal concerned the effects of the proposed use on the character and appearance of the area and biodiversity, with particular regard to protected and priority species.
The appeal was allowed subject to several planning conditions requiring the submission of a biodiversity enhancement strategy, lighting design strategy, soft landscaping strategy, landscape management plan and surface water drainage strategy.
Jaynic will shortly be submitting these reports and details to the Council in order to clear these conditions, which will then allow the open storage use to be implemented.
Paul Sutton, planning director at Jaynic, said: “We are pleased to have won the appeal and are discussing with several parties about taking a lease on the open storage space.
“Over the longer term Jaynic will be exploring options for the development of the site for employment purposes in line with the existing Local Plan allocation. We are also discussing with the council the possibility of extending the allocation to the south to create a larger employment site, but this would be done through the emerging West Suffolk Local Plan,” added Sutton.
Agents for the scheme are Rumsey & Partners and Cheffins.